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Could I have a prolapse?

Dr. Gina Parsonis, DPT, MTC
Could I have a prolapse?

Do I have a prolapse??

Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition where one of the pelvic organs such as bladder, rectum, uterus, urethra, and small bowel protrude into the vaginal cavity or even bulge out.

Cause of prolapse.

The main cause of prolapse is the weak muscles, tissues, and ligaments that support the vagina, surrounding tissues and organs. The factors that can cause prolapse include:

Frequent lifting of heavy objects


Chronic cough


Severe constipation






Previous surgeries in the pelvic area


Advanced age





What are the symptoms of having a prolapse?

Women with prolapse may have different symptoms based on the type of prolapse. The signs and symptoms include:

Difficulty urinating and emptying the bowel


Urine and fecal incontinence


The enlarged and wide vaginal opening


Vaginal lump and the protrusion of tissue at the front and back wall of the vagina.

Treatment options

1. Pelvic muscle exercises can restore muscle strength and fix some degree of prolapse, but for severe prolapse, you will need to use pessary ring or have a surgical intervention. A pelvic floor PT is recommended to assess and provide a treatment plan or try pelvic stimulation for mild prolapse intervention found at www.drprx.com

2. Pessary fitting
A pessary is a silicon ring made in different sizes to fit your vagina. It is inserted by the Gynecologist and cleans every 3 months or more. It aim is to mechanically lift the prolapsed vaginal organs. You can be sexually active with the ring and use tampons for your period.

3. Surgery to lift the fallen organs.